Which Social Media Channels Should I Advertise On?

badges showing different social media channel icons on them

Ok, so you’ve just set up your new business. Or maybe your business is around a while but you’re only now introducing social media marketing. So, how do you know which platforms will serve your business best?
There are a few things you need to consider when choosing which social media channels to have a presence on…

Target Market

This is one of the most important factors when choosing. You want to make sure you’re connecting with the right people, those who will ultimately convert to customers. If you have an established business, you should already have a clear picture of who your target market is. If it’s a new business, you should be starting with some idea of your ideal target market which you’ll refine with further research. 
Basic segmentation characteristics like age, location, gender, etc, should be your starting point. Once you know the demographics of your target market you can then compare to the social platform demographics. You might find this an easy way to rule out a particular channel. For example, if your target market is age 55+, it may not be worth investing in TikTok which sees a mainly younger demographic using its platform.

Social Media Objectives

Certain social channels can be better suited to certain objectives. If your objective is brand awareness, Facebook might be the best option for your business. With over 4 million users in Ireland in 2022, Facebook still holds hugely popular as a choice of social platform.
LinkedIn would be a good choice if your objective is lead generation and if you’re a B2B company. It’s a social channel for professionals and you’ve more chance of reaching the decision makers of a business. 

If your objective is direct sales from your social media channel, Instagram might be the right choice to showcase your products. You need to do your research on each social channel before deciding. If it doesn’t seem like one will align with your objectives, you’re probably better off not wasting any budget on it.


I would recommend using Facebook for any type of business. It still boasts a huge audience, it delivers on generating ROI and it offers great capability with its targeting and measuring options. However, Facebook is hard on your budget. Organic reach has declined over the years and, unfortunately, if you’re not willing to spend on ads you probably won’t see great results. 
This is why it’s good to introduce another channel into your mix. One that will provide more reach with organic posts, like Instagram. It’s important not to get carried away with your social channels. Thinking you need a presence across them all will result in a budget that’s being stretched way too thin and poorer quality posts. Focus your efforts on one to three channels that you know your target market frequent. And post quality content that your audience will want to naturally share. 

Competitor Analysis

Which social channels are your competitors using? What type of content are they posting? What level of engagement are they getting? Which channel is providing the highest engagement rate for them?
Finding out the answers to these types of questions will give you a great insight into what channels are performing best for your industry. In some cases, it will even help with what not to do! Learn from your competitor results and apply your learnings into your own social strategy.

Types of Content

Depending on the type of content you want to deliver, and depending on the type of content your audience best interacts with, certain social platforms are better than others. 
Instagram is best known for its rich media content. Photos and videos are favoured on this platform. If you have beautiful product imagery, Instagram can be the perfect channel to grab attention.
Articles, blog posts and industry news or research posts all perform well on LinkedIn. And Facebook sees great results for video posts. But various content types still do well on Facebook so don’t be afraid to experiment. Inspirational content does well on Pinterest.
Take the time to develop a social calendar where your posts are tailored for the specific social media channel. Your efforts will be worth it when your audience appreciates the relevancy of your posts.


Don’t choose your social media channels based on the most popular platforms. Research which ones your target market is using, study what’s working for your competitors and align your objectives. Then, develop a social strategy that’ll provide the best results for your budget and make sure you’re posting the right types of content on your different channels.

If you’re struggling with your social posting or need some help developing a social strategy, fill out the form on the contact page with your specific requirements and I’ll come back with a quote.